This section provides guidance on managing employee data in Agrigistics, covering both the specifics of required personal information fields and the process for bulk uploading this data efficiently.
Below is an example of a completed Excel file containing employee information. Follow these instructions to learn how to import the file and perform bulk updates: Bulk Edit/Upload Information
The example includes data with descriptions of each field.
Please note that all columns with grey backgrounds are for context only (Read only). These fields will not be updated when importing the Excel file for bulk updates.
Edit Employee Personal Information
Navigate to the employee payroll screen to edit an individual's information. To access this screen:
Navigate to the Employee Details tab. On this screen you will be presented with all the relevant information for the employee:
Bulk Edit/Upload Information
For a quick and simple way to edit details for multiple employees at once. Please note to add any payroll information for employees they must first be added under Management / Employees.
Navigate to Payroll / Employees. Click on the downward-facing arrow next to the "Import personal info" button located at the top right-hand corner.
Export Employee Information
Export All: Exports information for all employees.
Export Pay Run Errors: Exports data specifically related to errors in pay runs and that need to be fixed before the first pay run can be completed.
Export Monthly Filing Errors: Exports information regarding errors in monthly filings
Export Bi-Annual Errors: Focuses on exporting data concerning bi-annual filing errors.
You can make changes to any information on this sheet. The sheet will highlight required information with red validation errors.
Reference for Field Requirements:
For details on which fields are required or conditional, refer to the field descriptions.
Completing the Upload:
After making the necessary changes on the excel sheet, click on the "Import personal info" button on the same page and follow the instructions to update the information.
Validate information:
Before uploading the data it will be validated.
All errors must be attended to before importing.
To make sure all employee information is valid, the Agrigistics payroll has built in functions to assist in finding errors with all your information.
Tax certificates cannot be generated for employees that have validation errors
Click on the red exclamation icon next to filter to view validation errors across all your employees:
Once you have clicked on the icon, a detailed side panel will appear with specific errors for each employee:
Click on the specific employee in the list to edit and correct their information. If there are no errors for an employee the red icon will disappear next to their name.