Areas, Blocks & Farms

Almost every action in Agrigistics can be associated with an area or block. Create and manage your areas here.


Navigate to "Management" and click on "Areas".


Every block or block on a farm must be associated to a Farm.

  1. Click on the "+ Add Farm" button in the top right corner

  2. Provide a Name, Description and the size of the farm

  3. Click on "Add"


Blocks can be seen as physical areas that are used to plant any type of crop. Blocks can be created for perennial crops or annual crops.

Perennial crops includes any type of crop that stays planted in a area for more than 2 years. Examples of perennial crops includes

  • Nuts

  • Avocado

  • Citrus

  • Apples / Pears

Annual crops are seasonal and can be rotated on different areas. Examples of annual crops includes

  • Vegetables

  • Maize

  • Spices and Herbs

Annual Crops block creation

When creating a block for an annual crop, an area or location is specified first. In this area a block will be created which will contain the planted crop information. This will allow you to see the crop rotation of a specific area over time.

Create an Area

  1. Navigate to the "Blocks" tab

  2. Click on "Add Block"

  3. Specify the Farm where this area is located

  4. Specify the name of the Area

    • Provide an optional Description for this area

  5. Leave the Variant field blank as this block will represent a specific area on the farm

  6. Provide the size of this area

  7. Provide the date this area was first used

Create Sub-Block inside an area

  1. Click on an area in the table

    • Areas are identified by the green location icon on the left

  2. Click on the "+" icon in the top right toolbar

  3. Specify the name of this block

    • Usually the name describes the crop and date it was planted ex. TOM-WK33 (Tomato Week 33)

  4. Specify the specific cultivar of the crop planted

  5. Specify the size of the block that was planted

  6. Specify the date at which this cultivar was planted

Perennial Crops block creation

  1. Navigate to the "Blocks" tab

  2. Click on "Add Block"

  3. Specify the Farm where this block is located

  4. Specify the name of the block

    • Provide an optional Description for this block

  5. Specify the specific cultivar of the crop planted

  6. Specify the size of the block that was planted

  7. Specify the date at which this cultivar was planted

Planting Records

  1. Click on a block in the table

  2. Navigate to the Plant Records tab

  3. Click on the add plant record button

    • Provide required details

  4. Click on save

Area Mapping

Geo Fences for all areas

Last updated