
Boots on the ground, they help you collect valuable information

Employees do not have access to the Agrigistics portal. They are usually the people that perform specific tasks in the field that you want to measure. Specific roles can be assigned to each employee that will restrict their actions on Agrigistics and help them to capture relevant information like time & attendance, harvesting etc.

Employee Numbers

In the Agrigistics system, a unique employee number is vital for distinguishing each member of your workforce. To maintain data integrity and avoid confusion, our system is designed to prevent the assignment of duplicate employee numbers. Should you attempt to register a new employee with a number that’s already in use, an error message will prompt you to choose a different identifier.

When managing employee numbers within Agrigistics, please be aware that leading zeros are not considered in the comparison of duplicates. For example, an employee number input as '00001' is recognized as equivalent to '1'. This means that the system treats both formats as the same number, and attempting to use both will result in a duplication error.

Employee Roles

When setting up an employee in Agrigistics, it's important to assign them a specific role within the system. These roles define the level of access and types of interactions an employee can have with the Agrigistics device and are not indicative of their actual job titles within your organisation. Here's a breakdown of the roles available in Agrigistics:

  • Foreman: This role is designed for employees who need to log into the Android device/application to manage field operations. A Foreman can clock employees in and out, add activity information, and record harvesting activities directly from the field.

  • Packhouse Supervisor: Similar to the Foreman, but specifically for operations within the packhouse module. Packhouse Supervisors can also clock employees in and out, but their activities are confined to the packhouse environment.

  • General Worker: Employees assigned to this role do not have login access to the Android device/application. They cannot enter or capture any data themselves. Instead, Foremen and Supervisors can scan their tags to clock them in and out or allocate tasks.

Foremen and Supervisors are granted access to the device by scanning their wristbands on the back of the device. To assign wristbands to these roles, follow the steps outlined in the section: Assign Tags.

Add an Employee

To add a new employee into the Agrigistics system, their profile must first be created with a unique employee number. This is essential before they can begin using time and attendance or do payroll. Here’s how to add an employee:

Navigate to Management / Employees to manage your employees.

  1. Click on Add Employee to open the profile creation dialog.

  2. You will need to fill in the following fields:

    • Employee Number: Assign a unique ID that may include both numbers and letters.

    • Name: Enter the name or nickname of the employee as it should appear on the device and portal. When setting up payroll you can provide their real name as it appears on their identification documents.

    • Surname: Provide the employee's surname.

    • Label 1: This field can be used for any additional information that helps identify the employee.

    • Team: Assign the employee to a team based on their area of responsibility. Note that linking them to a team will also associate them with the specific clock template assigned to that team.

    • Roles: Select the appropriate Agrigistics role for the employee. You can find more information about the different roles available here.

  3. After entering all the necessary information, click on Save to create the employee profile.

Edit Employee Details

To edit an employee, navigate to Management / Employees to manage your employees.

  1. Click on an employee in the table below.

  2. A new menu will appear, click on "Edit".

  3. A dialog will appear with all the employees current information.

  4. Perform any changes and click on the "Save" button

Bulk Manage Employee Details

Managing employees in bulk can significantly streamline the administrative process, especially when dealing with large numbers of staff. Agrigistics supports bulk updating and creation of employee profiles via Excel spreadsheet uploads. Here's how it works:

Conditions for Updating or Creating Employee Profiles

  • Updated: If an employee number already exists within your profile, the employee’s name and surname will be updated, and they will be re-enrolled if previously resigned. This method is efficient for updating details and re-enrolling multiple employees.

  • Created: If the employee number is not found in your database, new profiles will be created for those entries.

Excel Sheet Format

Ensure that your Excel spreadsheet is properly formatted before uploading. The headers should be in the first row, and the workbook should contain only one sheet. Below is the required format:

Employee NumberNameSurnameLabel 1 (Optional)Role (Optional)Team Name (Optional)







Steps to Import Employees

  1. Navigate: Go to Management / Employees and click on "Import".

  2. Default Role Selection: Select the default role for the employees being imported. If the 'Role' column is missing from the sheet, employees will default to the role selected here.

  3. Upload File: Click on 'upload' and choose the Excel file.

  4. Map Columns: Ensure each column from the Excel matches the corresponding field in Agrigistics. If necessary, adjust the headers in your file to align correctly.

  5. Import Process: Click on 'Next' followed by 'Import'.

Bulk Update Employee Numbers

If you need to revamp your employee numbering system, perhaps to introduce prefixes that help identify departmental affiliations more easily, Agrigistics offers a bulk update function that can accommodate this change. This can be particularly useful if you're starting fresh or implementing a new organizational structure.

Excel Sheet Format

Before starting the update process, prepare an Excel spreadsheet with the current and new employee numbers. Ensure the spreadsheet has two columns: one for the current employee numbers and one for the new numbers. Here is an example format:

Existing Employee NumberNew Employee Number







Steps to update Employee Numbers

  1. Navigate: Go to Management / Employees and click on "Import".

  2. Select the last option in the list: "Update Employee Numbers".

  3. Upload File: Click on 'upload' and choose the Excel file.

  4. Map Columns: Ensure each column from the Excel matches the corresponding field in Agrigistics. If necessary, adjust the headers in your file to align correctly.

  5. Import Process: Click on 'Next' followed by 'Import'.

After the update, verify that the new employee numbers are correctly reflected in the system. Check a few profiles to confirm that updates have been applied uniformly and correctly.

Last updated