Variants & Crops

Manage cultivars and variants on your farm.

Provide multiple variants and cultivars of each produce or crop type you cultivate on your farm. Provide details on how this variant is harvested and transferred to your Packhouse.

Create Variant

Navigate to Management / Variants.

  1. Click on "Add Variant"

  2. Select the Produce

  3. Specify the name of the Variant

    1. Provide an optional description to further describe this variant or cultivar

  4. Quick Harvest

    • Check this box if the variant is harvested in rapid succession i.e. citrus. This will allow the foreman to allocate multiple harvest items to harvesters without returning to the block screen and specifying the number of units harvested.

    • Harvest interval limit is only applicable if Quick Harvest is selected. This limits the time in seconds between two harvest items for one individual. This will prevent employees to scan their wristbands in rapid succession when in the field.

  5. Specify the unit and estimated weight in which the variant is harvested. Example variants:

    1. Tomatoes are harvested in crates and the estimated weight per crate is 18kg. The tractor loads all the crates and transfers it to the warehouse i.e.

      1. Harvest Unit = Crate

      2. Harvest Unit Factor = 18

      3. Calculated Harvest unit = kg

      4. Transfer Unit = N/A (The Harvest Unit defaults if nothing is specified)

      5. Transfer Weight = N/A (The Harvest Unit Weight defaults if nothing is specified)

    2. Sweet potatoes are harvested in crates and the estimated weight per crate is 22kg. The tractor loads all the crates into a bin and the estimated weight of a full bin is 400kg i.e.

      1. Harvest Unit = Crate

      2. Harvest Unit Factor = 22

      3. Calculated Harvest unit = kg

      4. Transfer Unit = Bin

      5. Transfer Unit Factor = 400

      6. Calculated transfer unit = kg

  6. Enable batch number tracking

    • Scan QR or barcodes when harvesting, transfer and receiving.

Variant Conversions

If a variant is harvested or transferred in more than one way, multiple conversions can be added.

  1. Click on the desired variant

  2. Click on the + icon next to Harvest Conversions or Transfer Conversions

  3. Provide the factor and unit for this conversion

    1. The size of a salad head determines how many of them can fit into a crate, early in the season they harvest 6 heads per crate, later in the season when the heads are bigger, this number comes down to 4 heads per crate.

  4. Click on add

  5. Click on Save Changes

Variable Factors

If the calculated unit of the variant changes over a period of time the factor can be set up for a period of time. For example, when harvesting Macadamia nuts, the weight of the nuts decreases over time as they dry out, the estimated weight per crate can be set up weekly.

  1. Click on the desired variant

  2. Click on the "Edit" icon in the top right toolbar

  3. Clear the "Harvest Unit Factor" field and leave it empty

  4. Click on "Save"

The "Variable Variant Factors" section will now be enabled

  1. Click on the "Add Factor" button

  2. Specify the factor of the harvest unit ex. 10kg

  3. Select the date to which this factor will be applied

    • All harvest items after this date and time will be affected by this factor

  4. Click on "Save"

Delivery Tare Units

This configuration is only applicable when the variant delivered is weighed upon receiving it. By setting up delivery tare units it allows the receiver to enter a number of transport units that will automatically be deducted from the entered weight.

An example of this is when a receiver receives a delivery of for example tomatoes weighing 100 kilograms. But these tomatoes are transported in crates and placed on a palette. By setting up tare units the receiver can then enter the amount of crates and palettes and the weights of these will automatically be deducted from the 100 kg to provide a more accurate delivery weight.

Another use case for setting up delivery tare units is when the weight for each unit is setup as 0 kilogram. The result is that the receiver can enter the amount of crates but this will not be deducted from the entered weight. This can assist in comparing the number of crates that were transported from the field and received at the packhouse.

Delivery tare unit summary
Add another delivery tare unit

Last updated