Employee Pay Run View
Comprehensive breakdown of an individual employee's payroll information
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Comprehensive breakdown of an individual employee's payroll information
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The Employee Detailed View within the Agrigistics Payroll module provides a comprehensive breakdown of an individual employee's payroll information for a selected pay run period. This guide will walk you through the various components of this view using the provided screenshot as an example.
Navigate to the 'Payroll' section of the Agrigistics platform.
Select the 'Employees' tab to find the list of your workforce.
Click on an employee's name to access their detailed payroll information.
Upon entering the Employee Detailed View, you will see a summary at the top of the page, including:
Employee details:
Name + Surname
Employee Number
Team Name
Navigation: Navigate between different pages related to the employee.
Overview: Summary overview of the current page you are viewing to the right.
Selected page: Use the navigation links to switch between different pages.
Navigate between the current and historic pay runs for the selected employee. The current or latest pay run will always be selected by default when viewing this page:
For the employee's pay run the following information will be displayed:
Total earnings, deductions and nett total that will be paid out to the employee.
Current leave balances with leave movement for the current pay run.
Statutory deductions i.e. UIF, PAYE.
Earnings, Deductions and Benefits & Company Contributions: Use these tabs to navigate between different Payrun Templates for this employee.
Current pay run dates: Start and end dates of the current pay run period.
Click on these dates to view all historic pay runs for the selected employee.
Payroll actions:
Generate payslip: Click on this button to generate a PDF pay slip for the selected pay run
Make sure employer information is configured correctly before printing and handing out payslips to employees
Employee overview report: Navigate directly to the employee overview report for the current pay run period. For more info: Employee Overview
Pay run templates: Detailed list of all pay run templates associated with the employee.
Use the "Edit" and "Remove" actions next to each pay run template to modify them.
Please note that previously System Rates were known as Variable Units. They are referring to the same concept.
Overrides allow for customised pay rates on an individual basis, particularly useful when multiple pay run templates are linked to the same system rate. By overriding the system rate, it will affect all linked pay run templates.
Navigate to the Accessing Employee Detailed View and select the 'Overrides' link from the navigation to begin.
Select "Overrides" from the navigation panel.
Select the system rate that you want to override form the dropdown menu.
Select the override method:
Override with a factor: When selecting this option, you can override the original system rate with a given factor. If the value needs to be 10% more, override it with a factor of 1.1. By selecting the overriding with a factor option, this employees rate will always be up to date when changing the system rate in the future.
Override with a new value: When selecting this option, the provided value will replace the original value of the system rate. When the original value of the system rate changes, it will have no effect on the employee.
Click on "Add recurring override" to save.
This override will be applied to the current and all future pay runs until it is removed.
Once the override was added, it will be displayed in the table below.
Use the "Edit" and "Delete" actions next to a system rate override to modify them.
We advise to use the "Override with a factor" option. This will streamline wage rate increases in the future.
Practical Scenario: if the base rate for all employees is set to Minimum Wage and you’re adjusting wages for a supervisor or foreman, overriding the system rate for that employee will automatically adjust all relevant pay run templates to reflect the new, higher wage rate.
A scheduled rate override can only be added if:
The employee already has an existing system rate override.
There is a scheduled rate change for the specific pay run period.
This override is separate from the existing system override and applies only to the new scheduled rate.
Navigate to the Accessing Employee Detailed View and select the 'Overrides' link from the navigation to begin.
Click on the Schedule Override action on the specific system rate override.
Provide the new value.
Add an optional description.
Click "Schedule Override" to save the new override.
Click on "Remove" to delete the scheduled override.
Please note that previously System Rates were known as Variable Units. They are referring to the same concept.
Navigate to the pay run the employee(s) are in via Payroll, Pay run and selecting the pay run in question.
Use the checkboxes to select the employees you want to override the rate for.
Click on "Import Pay Run Templates".
Select "Import System Rate".
Select the System Rate you want to override and click on next.
Override Rate: Provide a new rate that will replace the existing rate of the system rate
Override with a Factor: A system rate can either be overridden with a rate or a factor, you cannot provide both.
Effective rate: When overriding with a factor, the effective rate will be displayed to make sure the correct values are captured.
The excel file that you will import will have to have the employees code, a column for the new value and a column for the factor. Make sure to either add in a rate or a factor - don't add both! Both columns need to be there but only one of them should have a value.
Please note that previously System Rates were known as Variable Units. They are referring to the same concept.
Navigate to the pay run the employee(s) are in via Payroll, Pay run and selecting the pay run in question.
Use the checkboxes to select the employees you want to override the rate for.
Click on Import Pay Run Templates.
Select Import Current or Scheduled Rates.
Select the Scheduled option. (This will only show system rates that have scheduled rates applicable to the current pay run.)
Select the scheduled system rate from the dropdown and click Next.
Note: Any existing system or scheduled overrides will be prepopulated in the override fields for additional context. If the fields are empty, it means that there are no current overrides.
Override Rate: Provide a new rate that will replace the existing scheduled rate.
Override with a Factor: A system rate can either be overridden with a rate or a factor, but not both.
Effective Rate: When overriding with a factor, the effective rate will be displayed to ensure the correct values are captured.
Toggle the "Clear override" switch to clear the current override.
Click on "Add" to complete the process.
If an employee does not have an existing system override, an error will be displayed. There must be an existing system override with a valid scheduled rate before a scheduled rate override can be added.
Navigate to the Accessing Employee Detailed View and select the 'Employee details' from the navigation to view all personal information for this employee. From here individual adjustments can be made to each employee. For more information on Employee Personal Information, please visit this page:
An employee's active period represents the time they are contractually employed by a company. While an active period is still open (i.e., it has no end date and the UIF status code is "Active"), it will have a start date and be linked to a company. When an employee is no longer employed, the active period is closed and includes the following additional details:
End Date: The date when the employee's employment with the company ended.
UIF Status Code: The UIF code that explains the reason for the employee's termination.
Termination Reason: An additional reason linked to the employee's termination provided by the user.
The start and end dates of an employee's active period are crucial because they:
Initiate the employee’s leave cycles.
Trigger the start of monthly Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) declarations.
Begin the accumulation of data for tax certificates and PAYE.
Navigate to the Accessing Employee Detailed View and select the 'Active periods' link from the navigation to begin.
Select the "Active Periods" from the navigation panel.
Enter the start date and select the company.
The employee's UIF Status code will default to "Active" when creating a new active period.
After adding the active period, it will be listed below:
Start and end date: If an employee is still active, there will be no end date.
Company Name
Duration of employment
UIF Status Code
Termination Reason: When terminating an employee you can provide your own custom termination reason
Please refer to the section below when editing active periods: Editing Active Periods
An employee can only have one open active period at a time. You will receive an error if you attempt to add multiple open periods.
You can edit the start date, company, UIF Status code and termination reason of an existing active period. Changing the start date will affect the following:
Leave Accrual: Adjusting the start date will impact how annual and sick leave is accrued for the employee.
PAYE Calculations: Since PAYE is calculated based on earnings over a period, changing the start date will affect the period of earnings considered.
ETI Calculations: The Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) calculations are also impacted. ETI eligibility and incentive amounts are based on qualifying employment periods, so any change in the start date could alter these figures.
The end date of an employee can only be set by resigning them. Please follow these steps to resign an employee: Employee Resignation.
Navigate to the Accessing Employee Detailed View and select the 'Leave' link from the navigation to begin.
Select the "Leave" from the navigation panel.
Leave detail page: View the current leave balances for the employee. This includes Annual, Sick and Family Responsibility Leave
Leave type and accrual frequency.
View schedule: Detailed view of the employee's leave history. For more info see below: Employee Leave Schedule
Make adjustments: Adjust an employees current leave balance. For more info see below: Employee Leave Adjustment
Add Payout: For more info see below: Employee Leave Payout
Closing leave balance: The employee's closing leave balance is calculated by adding accrued leave, subtracting used leave and adding any leave adjustments.
This functionality allows you to adjust an employee's leave balance either positively or negatively. Adjustments are applied to the current leave calculation before the closing balance is determined.
Navigate to the Accessing Employee Detailed View and select the 'Leave' link from the navigation to begin. Select the "Make adjustments" option next to the leave you want to adjust.
Current leave balance: The employee’s existing leave balance.
Adjustment value: This can be a positive or negative value in days.
Final adjusted value: The updated balance after applying the adjustment.
The opening leave balance for the current pay run period.
The opening balance will always be the same as the final closing balance of the employee's previous pay run period.
Leave accrued in the current pay run period.
Leave used in the current pay run period.
Balance at the end of the pay run period before adjustments are applied.
This balance will always be calculated by adding accrued leave and subtracting used leave from the opening balance.
Pre-adjusted leave balance balance.
Final adjusted leave balance.
The adjustment is only applied after calculating the final leave balance in step 4.
Even after adjusting an employee's leave balance, the final adjusted balance may change based on additional leave accrued or taken during the current period, or if there have been changes to the leave configuration.
The Leave Payout feature allows you to compensate employees for leave before they take it. This is particularly useful for leave that falls within the next pay run period.
Navigate to the Accessing Employee Detailed View and select the "Leave" link from the navigation to begin. Select the "Add payout" option next to the leave you want to view.
When paying out leave, ensure that Annual Leave is not recorded in the Employee Overview Report to avoid double payment during the next pay run. Leave employees as Absent or capture Special leave and add a note to indicate that the leave is already paid out on the pay run.
Leave Type and Accrual - Only annual leave is eligible for payout.
Pre-Payout Balance - This balance includes any leave adjustments made for the same period.
Payout Amount Options
Custom Amount: Specify a custom number of leave days to be paid out.
This value can be positive (leave is paid out) or negative (deducts money from the employee, increasing their leave balance).
Full Leave Payout: Pay out the entire pre-payout balance.
Adjustments to leave accrued, spent, or modified will be accounted for in the payout.
Note: This option is only available if the employee’s pre-payout balance is positive.
Balance After Payout - Displays the preliminary balance after the payout is processed.
If Full Leave Payout is selected, this balance will always be zero.
Add Description - Enter a description explaining the reason for the payout.
This will be linked to the payout in the Schedule and Leave Liability Report to ensure full transparency.
Click Add to confirm the payout.
Once a leave payout is added, the employee’s leave balances will be updated as follows:
Final Balance - The final balance reflects the leave remaining after all adjustments and payouts for the period have been processed.
Leave payouts are applied after calculating the final balance for the period, which includes any additional adjustments.
This approach ensures that adjustments and payouts can be recorded within the same period without conflicts.
Calculated Balance for the Period - The calculated balance excludes any adjustments and payouts for the period.
It is based solely on leave accrued and used during the period.
Descriptions for Leave Payouts - Any descriptions linked to leave payouts in the period will be displayed here.
These descriptions provide transparency and context for the adjustments and payouts recorded.
The Leave Schedule provides a complete history of all leave accrued by an employee. It details the leave accrued for each pay run period, including any adjustments.
Navigate to the Accessing Employee Detailed View and select the "Leave" link from the navigation to begin. Select the "View schedule" option next to the leave you want to view.
The leave type and accrual frequency for the selected leave schedule.
Current leave balance for the selected leave.
The dates of the pay run period when the leave was accrued.
Leave balance before adjustments were applied.
Final leave balance after adjustments.
Leave movement for the pay run period.
PAYE Explanation: View detailed explanation on how PAYE was calculated for the selected pay run period. For more info:
Manage pay run templates: Add or remove Pay run templates for the employee. For more info:
Click on "Add override"
The scheduled date and system rate will be displayed for context. Select Rate Override or Factor Override. (For details on these options, see: )
Click on "Add Active Period".
Hover over any active period and select the "Edit" button to modify an active period:
Export report: Export a detailed Excel report of the employee's leave balances. For more info:
Accrual frequency is configured in the pay run linked to the employee. For more information:
For bulk managing Leave Adjustments, refer to this section:
As configured here: .
To capture leave for employees:
For bulk managing Leave Payouts, refer to this section: