Employee Pay Run View

Comprehensive breakdown of an individual employee's payroll information

The Employee Detailed View within the Agrigistics Payroll module provides a comprehensive breakdown of an individual employee's payroll information for a selected pay run period. This guide will walk you through the various components of this view using the provided screenshot as an example.

Accessing Employee Detailed View

  1. Navigate to the 'Payroll' section of the Agrigistics platform.

  2. Select the 'Employees' tab to find the list of your workforce.

  3. Click on an employee's name to access their detailed payroll information.

The employee detailed view can also be accessed when selecting an employee from a recurring pay run.

Upon entering the Employee Detailed View, you will see a summary at the top of the page, including:

  • Employee name and surname: Displayed prominently for easy identification.

  • Employee Number and Team: Important identifiers such as employee number and team assignment.

  • Payroll Tabs: Switch between tabs for detailed payroll information, overrides, employee details, active periods, and leave.


Navigate between the current and historic pay runs for the selected employee. The current pay run will always be selected by default when viewing this tab.

For the selected pay run the following information will be displayed:

  • Net Total: The final amount payable to the employee after deductions for the selected pay run.

  • Total Earnings and Deductions: The total amount of earnings and deductions for the selected pay run.

  • Leave Balances: Quick view of available annual leave, sick leave, and family leave.

    • Balances listed here as as of the end of the current pay run. Any movement indicated in green and red are already factored in the listed balances.

  • Generate payslip: Click on this button to generate a PDF pay slip for the selected pay run

    • Make sure employer information is configured correctly before printing and handing out payslips to employees

  • Employee Overview Report: Click here to view all the clocking information for this specific employee and pay run period

Earnings, Deductions and Benefits

In Agrigistics Payroll, the Earnings, Deductions, and Benefits section allows for precise payroll management for each employee.

Managing Pay Run Templates

  1. Add Templates: To associate a new pay run template with the employee, click the 'Add' button next to the relevant section heading.

  2. View Summary: The table displayed summarizes all the pay run templates linked to the employee for the chosen pay period.

  3. Once-off or Recurring: Icons next to each template indicate its status

    • A specific icon denotes if a template is a once-off addition

    • A different icon signifies if the template's value has been overridden from its default

  4. Edit or Remove Templates: To modify or delete a pay run template, click on the corresponding actions indicated by icons on the right side of the table.

Some pay run templates are system-generated and read-only. These templates do not have action icons next to them as they are automatically added by the payroll system and cannot be altered.

  • It’s crucial to review all templates for accuracy, as these directly affect the payroll calculations.

  • Remember that system templates are there to ensure compliance and accuracy in calculations and should be taken into account when reviewing the employee's total earnings and deductions.

Variable Rate Overrides

Overrides allow for customized pay rates on an individual basis, particularly useful when multiple pay run templates derive from the same base rate.

Navigate to the employee's detailed view and select the 'Overrides' tab to begin adjustments.

Here, you can change the variable unit rate for the specific employee, which will update all linked pay run templates. Click on the "+ Add override" button and select the desired variable that you want to override.

Select the specific variable you want to change. When overriding a variable unit you can select one of two options:

  • Override with a factor: When selecting this option, you can override the original variable unit with a given factor. If the value needs to be 10% more, override it with a factor of 1.1. By selecting the overriding with a factor option, this employees rate will always be up to date when changing the variable unit in the future.

  • Override with a new value: When selecting this option, the provided value will replace the original value of the variable unit. When the original value of the variable unit changes, it will have no effect on the employee.

We advise to use the "Override with a factor" option. This will streamline minimum wage rate changes in the future.

Once overridden, the new value set for the variable unit will cascade across all associated pay run templates.

Practical Scenario: if the base rate is set to Minimum Wage and you’re adjusting wages for a supervisor or foreman, overriding the variable unit for that employee will automatically adjust all relevant pay run templates to reflect the new, higher wage rate.

Employee Details

On the employee's detail page, select the 'Employee Details' tab to view all personal information for this employee. From here individual adjustments can be made to each employee. For more information on Employee Personal Information, please visit this page:

Active Periods

Setting the First Active Period as the Start Date

The first active period of an employee is essentially their start date.

This date is pivotal as it:

  • Initiates the employee’s leave cycles.

  • Triggers the start of monthly Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) declaration filings.

  • Begins the accumulation of data for tax certificates.

To set this start date, you will enter it as the first active period in the employee's profile.

Editing Active Periods

You can edit the start date of an existing active period. This is the only aspect of an active period that can be modified once set. When changing the start date it will have an effect on the following:

  • Leave Accrual: Changing the start date of an active period can affect how annual and sick leave is accrued for the employee.

  • PAYE Calculations: PAYE calculations will be affected. This system calculates tax based on earnings over a period, and changing the start date could shift the period of earnings considered for these calculations.

  • ETI Calculations: The Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) calculations will be impacted as well. ETI is calculated based on qualifying employment periods, and adjustments to the start date might affect eligibility periods or the incentive amount.

To change the end date of an employee they must be resigned.

Resigning an Employee

Please follow these steps to resign an employee: Employee Resignation.


On the employee's detail page, select the 'Leave' tab to view all the leave balances for this employee. For more information on capturing and configuring leave please refer to this page:

Last updated