Employee Overview Report

Latest update on 2024/01/04

Discover the latest enhancements to the Employee Overview report in our Time and Attendance module. We've upgraded the interface for better performance, usability, and data analysis. This post will guide you through these significant improvements and how they streamline your experience with the Agrigistics platform.

Exception Filter

Our new exception filter is a game-changer. It enables you to filter both employees and days by specific exceptions. When you select an exception, the table will only display the applicable employees and relevant days, focusing your attention exactly where it's needed.

New Actions Toolbar

We've relocated the actions to a new sidebar. This change provides more space for viewing important information, reducing clutter and enhancing your overall experience with the report.

Daily Exception Management

Managing daily exceptions has never been easier. With just a click on the icons below each day, you can now view and manage daily exceptions directly, streamlining your workflow.

Enhanced User Interface

We're excited to introduce a revamped user interface in the Employee Overview Report. The new UI features heavier fonts and more intuitive layouts, making it much easier to read and navigate the table.

Integrated Totals Column

In our latest update, the totals column is now ingeniously integrated with the employee's information. This integration allows for smoother navigation through the table, ensuring you can easily view aggregated data alongside individual employee details.

Legacy View Option

If users require access to the old report format, they can click on "Use legacy view" in the top toolbar to switch back

Customer Support

In case of any confusion or issues with the new interface, users are encouraged to contact their customer success manager promptly.

Last updated